Monday, May 18, 2009

All that Glitters isn't Gold

Yep, that's the lesson for today..kiddos :) If something is flashy and shiny doesn't mean it's worth anything. In actuality it's probably worth less than that old dingy tainted piece of tin you have tossed in the corner. Now, let's apply that metaphor to life. Those that flash the money around, the cars, the women, the designer label, the fancy house, 2.5 kids, one pet, and BMW in the garage doesn't make them successful or worth your time and effort. Remember to take the time to get to know the people in your life that live in the background of your life the "extras" so it were. Those people just may have something to teach you or something you've been missing in your own life. They are truly your strength. Those that encourage you from the sidelines. While we are attracted to the beautiful and famous...why don't we take the time?

Monday, May 4, 2009

definition of stupid

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Heard it a million times and yet the madness continues...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Self - Esteem

It's been said that your self esteem is like a bucket of water, full when you are born. Over the years, we poke little holes of self-doubt and others poke holes in it for us. Until some of that self-esteem leaks out over the years. You are only worth what you believe you are worth. Your worth is never determined by another's judgement of you. Live your life according to YOUR values, your beliefs, do right by others and above all LOVE yourself. If you don' one else will!

~Be good, Be safe