Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I've been fighting the good fight. Sutter County Superintendent of Schools is refusing to follow the law, they've fired their second nurse for reporting abuse and misconduct and recently offered me a deal if I would just go away.


I don't go away. I don't shut up and I don't do things to make everybody's life easier except my own.
What dream land are these people living in. My son has a right to be safe at school, for teachers to keep their damn hands to themselves and to listen to him when he has something he wants to say, via his Ipad. This all started because a teacher didn't want to follow and IEP and let my son use his IPAD?

I am really enjoying having my son at home since February and we are learning new words and things every day. Things his teachers should have had no trouble teaching him. Autism to them means stupid. Non verbal to them means stupid. Diabetes symptoms and behaviors meant to communicate are interpreted as uncontrollable. He is TRYING TO TALK TO YOU!


I am doing my best to let the Attorneys sort it out. Meantime...we pray that our Attorneys get it.